Topic: All Ages Service

Let our Service Begin

  During this intergenerational worship service, we will talk about what it means to give back to this community that we love. Following the worship service we will have a pizza lunch, then the Building and Grounds Committee will lead all interested volunteers on repairing, fixing and sprucing up our beautiful historic meetinghouse and U … Continue reading Let our Service Begin

Ingathering Sunday

Our first Sunday is to renew and reconnect. Please bring water and words of the heart for Water Communion. Your water can come from anywhere. Your words can tell us where your spirit has journeyed. Whether you were happy or sad or sunburned, whether you felt stretched or squeezed, you are invited to share.

Ingathering Sunday

Our first Sunday is to renew and reconnect. Please bring water and words of the heart for Water Communion. Your water can come from anywhere. Your words can tell us where your spirit has journeyed. Whether you were happy or sad or sunburned, whether you felt stretched or squeezed, you are invited to share. All-ages Service.