Speaker: Rev David Chandler

Denying the Dream

It is risky to channel historic figures into the present day, but there are good reasons to pause and reflect this Martin Luther King Sunday on what Dr. King might say about dehumanization and scapegoating of other people. He was pretty clear. Religious Exploration offered for children.

A 2018 Janus Service

The holidays fade, the New Year begins, the depth of winter comes–and our feelings may be ambivalent. This Sunday we will have rituals of Endings and Beginnings, letting go of what must now be past and welcoming our hopes and dreams for 2018. Religious Exploration offered for children.

Faith and its Discontents

More people in New England than anywhere else in the US now tell pollsters they are “not clear on the concept.” Many don’t care to be – and many UUs got to there first. Some have good reasons – but will reason sustain our lives?

The Ritual of Renewal

The turn of the natural year approaches, and the calendar will click over to 2018. We have rituals that feel obligatory, of consumption and holiday activities. Before taking the plunge, we might pay attention to a less obvious ritual.

Being Crazy for Love

Congregational mission can get stuck on what it is or should be. The how is more important – how do we get there, how do we live it, how do we know it makes us better day-to-day? How do we embody our church’s core purpose?

Discovery – or Disbelief?

“Be ours a religion…which goes everywhere,” is the famous proclamation of Theodore Parker. But what kind of journey are we on? What do we carry with us? What do we seek? Being a UU – what kind of religion is that, anyway?

Ingathering Sunday

Our first Sunday is to renew and reconnect. Please bring water and words of the heart for Water Communion. Your water can come from anywhere. Your words can tell us where your spirit has journeyed. Whether you were happy or sad or sunburned, whether you felt stretched or squeezed, you are invited to share. All-ages Service.

Flower Communion for All Ages

A service to celebrate the beauty of nature, rededicate us to a better world, and honor those martyred for freedom of conscience.  Please bring fresh flowers to be joined together, given our blessing and then taken home by each of us.  Bridging Sunday.