Speaker: Rev. Dave Egan

Keeping the Sabbath

“I’m so busy” seems to be a universal refrain. According to Wayne Muller, “we say this to one another as if our exhaustion were a trophy, our ability to withstand stress a mark of character.” Perhaps it is time to reconsider the biblical injunction to “Keep the Sabbath.” Isn’t this something we all need? A … Continue reading Keeping the Sabbath

This Interval Called Life

According to Anon (that most prolific of writers),  “For years I never knew whether the twilight was the ending of the day or the beginning of the night, and then I understood that this doesn’t matter at all, for time is but a circle, and so there can be no beginning and no ending, and … Continue reading This Interval Called Life

Christmas Eve Service

A traditional celebration of the season, this 20-minute, intergenerational Christmas Eve service will take place on the steps of the meetinghouse, to accommodate everyone and allow for congregational singing of Christmas carols. The service will feature our FPUU Choir and our traditional Silent Night candle lighting. This service will begin at 6:00 PM. This will … Continue reading Christmas Eve Service

Reckoning with our Past

Come join us for this special intergenerational worship service, where we will celebrate the 370th anniversary of the founding of First Parish Medfield. Many of our historical artifacts will be on display, and service participants will be in period costume. We hope you can join us for this momentous occasion! This will be an indoor, … Continue reading Reckoning with our Past

Don’t Let the Light Go Out

This service will focus on the timeless story of the Maccabees reclaiming and rededicating their temple in Jerusalem with a single oil lamp that lasted way beyond its usual burning time. This is a powerful metaphor for the tenacity of the human spirit and the oftentimes miraculous power of the Universe to give us what … Continue reading Don’t Let the Light Go Out

Cranberry Sauce Stains

Every year, we Americans give our best impression of a Norman Rockwell painting, as we sit down together to share a meal of thanks. Yet for most of us, our families fail to live up to these unrealistic expectations. This time of year can sometimes leave us feeling inadequate, melancholy, yearning for a time long … Continue reading Cranberry Sauce Stains

Thank You For Your Service

As we mark Veteran’s Day, we reflect on what it means to serve in our military. What does it mean to be a soldier in a time of persistent, ongoing war? What are the emotional and spiritual impacts they face when defending our freedom or promoting the U.S. empire, depending on one’s perspective? This Sunday … Continue reading Thank You For Your Service

A Circle of Memory

This is the time of the year when pagans celebrate Samhain and Christians observe All Souls Day. It’s a time when some believe that the veil separating us from our loved ones who have died becomes thin. This will be a Sunday for remembering, so you are invited to bring a photo of your departed … Continue reading A Circle of Memory

Side with Love

What does it mean to be grasped by love? Not sentimental or romantic love. Not love that is pliable or yields to force. But the kind of love displayed by the Hebrew prophets, Amos and Isaiah, by Ghandi and Martin Luther King. The love that overcomes hate, that leads to more justice. This will be … Continue reading Side with Love