Speaker: Rev. Dave Egan


This is a Service in honor of the Jewish High Holy Days. The authors of Amish Grace say that “forgiveness is less a matter of forgive and forget than of forgive and remember—remembering in ways that bring healing. When we remember we take the broken pieces of our lives—lives that have been dismembered by tragedy … Continue reading Re-membering

Our Cup Runneth Over

Welcome back!  After being apart this summer, we will reconvene and ask the question: why church? What is it about this community that connects us and adds meaning to our lives?  With all that is happening in our lives, why do we return to this place again and again?  During this, our annual water communion … Continue reading Our Cup Runneth Over

Pride Sunday

As we celebrate Pride Month, come join us for this service where we honor LGBTQIA+ folks.  During this intergenerational service, we will hear testimonials from folks showing pride in their gender identity, gender expression, and sexuality.  For regardless of who love or how you identify, this is a congregation that welcomes all of who you … Continue reading Pride Sunday

Flower Communion Sunday

On this Sunday we celebrate the abundance and beauty of the season by bringing flowers gathered from gardens or roadsides to share with others in the congregation. For this worship service, we will welcome new members to our congregation, and show our gratitude for all of the staff, committee chairs, and FPUU executive board members … Continue reading Flower Communion Sunday

The Hermit of Tatooine

Ever since human beings have known fear, they have created super-human figures that can protect them from harm and can keep out the monstrous other, whether that mythical protector is Gilgamesh, Sampson, Moon Knight, or Obi-Wan Kenobi.  Today we will explore why this heroic archetype is so foundational to our western culture and why these … Continue reading The Hermit of Tatooine

Worship at Ferry Beach

Please note that worship on this Sunday will take place in The Grove at Ferry Beach in Saco, Maine, where many from the congregation will be on retreat. There will be no worship service at our meetinghouse in Medfield. However for those not attending Ferry Beach, there will be a pre-recorded service available online.

“A Devil Who Meddles?”

One of the ancient questions that continues to be asked is why bad things happen to good people.  Could it be that there’s a malevolent force at work in the universe?  Or is that just the way life is?  This will be an indoor, in-person worship service, that will be streamed over Zoom as well. To … Continue reading “A Devil Who Meddles?”

Happy Endings

Three of the ancient spring stories begin with laments, with cries of despair:  Persephone is captured by Hades and taken to the Underworld; the first-born sons of Egypt all die before the Hebrew people can escape from bondage; Jesus is crucified.  And yet all three of these stories have happy endings, for the main characters … Continue reading Happy Endings