Speaker: Rev. Dave Egan

Trying to be Perfect

Come join us for this service where we will ponder the question asked by Mary Oliver: “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” It seems appropriate that we ponder this question when a whole new year stretches out before us. When we wonder not only how … Continue reading Trying to be Perfect

Christmas Eve Service

A traditional celebration of the season, our intergenerational Christmas Eve service will feature lots of holiday stories, the lighting of candles, and traditional Christmas carols. This service will begin at 5:30 PM. To keep everyone safe and healthy during this indoor service, masks will be required. To join the service on Zoom, click here. Order … Continue reading Christmas Eve Service

Good King Wenceslas

“Good King Wenceslas” is a Christmas carol that tells a story of a Bohemian king who goes on a journey, braving harsh winter weather, to give alms to a poor peasant on the Feast of Stephen. The legend is based on the life of the historical Saint Wenceslaus I, Duke of Bohemia (907–935), who gave … Continue reading Good King Wenceslas

Dappled with Shadow

As we enter the season when the days grow shorter and the nights longer, we will explore what it means to have more darkness in our world than light. Is the coming darkness something to be fearful of, or might it be something to embrace? As T.S. Eliot writes, “in our rhythm of earthly life … Continue reading Dappled with Shadow


Please join us for this intergenerational worship service followed by a potluck lunch. We will welcome our former interim minister Rev. David Chandler back to the meetinghouse for a service of gratitude for the fall harvest. If you ever thought about inviting a friend or family member to First Parish, this day of fun and … Continue reading Friendsgiving

The Hand Trap

In some native cultures of Asia, there is a special technique to catch monkeys. It involves a container filled with food, with an opening just big enough for the monkey to reach in. Once the monkey grabs the food, its clenched fist is too large to pull back out of the opening. Rather than release … Continue reading The Hand Trap

Purple Dignity

As we prepare ourselves to engage in the democratic process, as stated in our 5th UU Principle, we do so with a desire to make our communities and country more in alignment with our values. But with all of the conflict, anger, and judgment between red and blue, how do we learn to listen to … Continue reading Purple Dignity

Circle of Memory

This is the time of the year when pagans celebrate Samhain and Christians observe All Souls Day. It’s a time when some believe that the veil separating us from our loved ones who have died becomes thin. This will be an intergenerational Sunday for remembering, so you are invited to bring a photo of your … Continue reading Circle of Memory

Solitude and Community

D.M. Dooling writes: “We come into this world alone, and alone we leave it; and between the entrance and the exit we spend our time searching for companionship.” So many coming to church express a desire for real community—not the superficial or virtual communities so prevalent today—but the kind where deep connections can grow. To join … Continue reading Solitude and Community

The Many Faces of God

Ralph Waldo Emerson was one of our Unitarian sages influenced by Hinduism, including the Hindu understanding that Divinity permeates everything including us. What else do we have to learn from this ancient religion? To join the service on Zoom, click here.