Speaker: Rev. Dave Egan

Being Vulnerable Together

Holding our Unitarian Universalist faith authentically means opening ourselves to vulnerability and uncertainty. We don’t claim to have easy answers; instead, we journey together toward deeper understanding and meaning. As Brené Brown reminds us, “Faith minus vulnerability and mystery equals extremism. If you’ve got all the answers, then don’t call what you do ‘faith.’” Zoom … Continue reading Being Vulnerable Together

The Mish-Mash Heart

Being emotionally vulnerable means acknowledging feelings, taking a risk, and tolerating some uncertainty. Bring the whole family to this intergenerational worship service that will explore the inherent vulnerability of loving and being loved. Zoom access here. Order of Service and Announcements here. Don’t forget to set your clocks forward today!

Renewing our Covenant

As our annual pledge drive formally kicks off, we will hear about why supporting First Parish is important. Every year we renew our covenant with one another to take care of this community; to give our time, our talents, and our resources, so that we can continue to have a church to call home. On … Continue reading Renewing our Covenant

Love Thyself

Rupi Kaur says, “How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you”. During this intergenerational service we will talk about the unconditional “agape” love that is at the center of our beings. For if we are to more fully love our partners, friends, and family, we must begin with loving ourselves. Order … Continue reading Love Thyself

Love at the Center

This Sunday we will explore the proposed changes to Article II of the Unitarian Universalist Association’s bylaws.  In keeping with our February ministry theme of love, what does it mean to truly place love at the center of our faith?  How might such placement change our lives?

The Wisdom of Lao-Tzu

It is good to be reminded that what we proclaim to know for sure only reveals how much we don’t know. As the Tao Te Ching puts it: “Those who know, do not speak. Those who speak, do not know.” Perhaps the wisdom found within Taoism will help sustain us as voices in the public … Continue reading The Wisdom of Lao-Tzu

History and Fate Meet

Lyndon Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act 58 years ago, following the murder of the Rev. James Reeb, a UU Minister, in Selma Alabama. This sermon brings to light a part of history that all UUs should know. Order of Service and Announcements here.

Trying to be Perfect

Come join us for this service where we will ponder the question asked by Mary Oliver: “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” It seems appropriate that we ponder this question when a whole new year stretches out before us. When we wonder not only how … Continue reading Trying to be Perfect