Speaker: Rev. Dave Egan

“Gratitude” Vespers Service

On this the last of our regular Sunday services, we will take time to express our gratitude for all of the blessings in our lives. Included in this we will take time to recognize all of the amazing people involved in our Religious Exploration program.

Transcendence Vespers Service

To join this online service, click this link: https://zoom.us/j/136062195 Every Wednesday evening we will hold an online Vespers Service at 7:00pm. This will be a time for calm reflection, filled with special music, testimonials, joys and sorrows, prayer, and meditation. If you would like to share a reading, poem, or music during this service, please contact … Continue reading Transcendence Vespers Service

Redemption for Some

To join this online worship service, click on this link:  https://zoom.us/j/976083910  On this Sunday, Rev. Egan will draw on his experience ministering inside of a prison. Why is it that when some make a serious mistake in their lives, they are able to be forgiven, while others are not? During this sobering worship service, we will explore … Continue reading Redemption for Some

Justice Vespers Service

To join this online service, click this link: https://zoom.us/j/136062195  Every Wednesday evening we will hold an online Vespers Service at 7:00pm. This will be a time for calm reflection, filled with special music, testimonials, joys and sorrows, prayer, and meditation. If you would like to share a reading, poem, or music during this service, please … Continue reading Justice Vespers Service

Prophecy for All

To join this online worship service, click on this link:  https://zoom.us/j/976083910  During this time of tremendous economic, environmental, and political uncertainty, our tendency is often to look to our leaders for guidance. But what happens when that trust in our leaders is broken? Whom do we turn to then? Well, as Unitarian Universalists we are empowered to use … Continue reading Prophecy for All

Compassion Vespers Service

To join this online service, click this link: https://zoom.us/j/136062195 Every Wednesday evening we will hold an online Vespers Service at 7:00pm. This will be a time for calm reflection, filled with special music, testimonials, joys and sorrows, prayer, and meditation. If you would like to share a reading, poem, or music during this service, please contact … Continue reading Compassion Vespers Service

Imperfect Caregivers

On this Mother’s Day, we will honor all of those caregivers, who despite being tired, cranky, and overworked, still find a way to put supper on the table, clothes on our back, and a smile on our face. During this intergenerational worship service, we will hear from sons and daughters, young and old, as we … Continue reading Imperfect Caregivers


Preferred pronouns? Trigger warnings? Gender fluidity? #MeToo? Cancel culture?? Wokeness?!? …#OKBoomer. As with each new generation, our cultural norms are shifting rapidly and many struggle to make sense of how to keep up. While much of our national dialog these days seems to focus on the generational divide, the issues at play go much deeper … Continue reading #OKBoomer

Through the Valley

In this time of pandemic, as many in our community are getting sick and some dying, Rev. Egan will reflect on his times working as a hospital chaplain. When our loved ones are nearing the end of their lives, how do we set aside our own grief for just a little while, so that we … Continue reading Through the Valley