Speaker: Rev. Dave Egan

All Souls Remembered

When those we love pass away, are they ever really gone?   On this Sunday we will honor all those who we have lost and remember all that remains.  Please join us for this day of shared remembrance.

The Day After

To join this online service, click here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82326450376. For Order of Service, click here.   For hymns click here. This has been an incredibly divisive election season, with the stakes seeming higher than ever.  Today we will begin the process of preparing ourselves for whatever happens on Nov. 3rd, and imagining what our country will look like … Continue reading The Day After

Sanctuary from the Storm

Ever since the corona virus forced us to isolate from one another, mental health issues have been on the rise.  All of us, in one way or another, have been adversely effected by not being able to do all of those things that make us human: holding one another, singing together, laughing together, and crying … Continue reading Sanctuary from the Storm

Be the Love, Be the Change

During this intergenerational worship service, we will explore what our Unitarian Universalist faith calls us to do in the world.  With an important election coming up in our country, we will look to our UU Principles for guidance on how we might be the change we wish to see in the world.  This will be … Continue reading Be the Love, Be the Change

How Can We Atone for This?

  In preparation for Yom Kippur, we will ask the challenging question: how do we as a people atone for the mistakes we have made collectively, mistakes with dire consequences?   How do we ask forgiveness when our actions are causing the current climate crisis?  How do we atone for collectively building a society that favors … Continue reading How Can We Atone for This?

In-Gathering Service

Welcome back to church! On this first worship service of the 2020-2021 church year, all are invited to bring water from a place you have traveled this past summer. Whether that water is from a nearby pond or from your kitchen tap, please come share your experience with us! To join the service, click zoom link … Continue reading In-Gathering Service

In Gathering Service

Welcome back to church! On this first worship service of the 2020-2021 church year, all are invited to bring water from a place you have traveled this past summer. Whether that water is from a nearby pond or from your kitchen tap, please come share your experience with us! To join the service, click zoom link … Continue reading In Gathering Service


On this the last of our regular Sunday services, we will take time to express our gratitude for all of the blessings in our lives. Included in this we will take time to recognize all of the amazing people involved in our Religious Exploration program.

“Wonder” Vespers Service

Every Wednesday evening we will hold an online Vespers Service at 7:00pm. This will be a time for calm reflection, filled with special music, testimonials, joys and sorrows, prayer, and meditation. If you would like to share a reading, poem, or music during this service, please contact Rev. Dave.

Pride Sunday

June is Pride month where we celebrate the dignity, affirmation and equality of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. As Unitarian Universalists, we not only open our doors to people of all sexual orientations and gender identities, we value diversity of sexuality and gender and see it as a spiritual gift. We hope you can … Continue reading Pride Sunday