Speaker: Rev. Dave Egan

If He Only Had a Dog…

During this intergenerational worship service, all are invited to introduce your pets or stuffed animals to the congregation. There will be a time for your furry friend to receive a special blessing, testimonials from our children, and fun music to celebrate our beloved animals. For especially during these trying times, we know that our pets … Continue reading If He Only Had a Dog…

Release 2020, Welcome Hope

As we say goodbye to 2020 and welcome in the new year, we ask ourselves: What’s holding us back?  What’s getting in the way of living as fully as we’d like?  What from the past year might we burn away and release?  During this burning bowl service, you will be invited to write down those … Continue reading Release 2020, Welcome Hope

Christmas Eve Service

A traditional celebration of the season, our intergenerational Christmas Eve service will feature lots of holiday stories, the lighting of candles, and traditional Christmas hymns.

The Miracle of Your Light

This service will focus on the timeless story of the Maccabees reclaiming and rededicating their temple in Jerusalem with a single oil lamp that lasted way beyond its usual burning time. This is a powerful metaphor for the tenacity of the human spirit and the oftentimes miraculous power of the Universe to give us what … Continue reading The Miracle of Your Light

Community Thanksgiving Service

We hope you will join us for our annual tradition, our Interfaith Community Thanksgiving Service, that will include clergy and congregants from various houses of worship here in Medfield.  First Parish will be hosting this virtual service, with Eva Kendrick organizing the various church choirs to bring us the gift of song.  Come share in … Continue reading Community Thanksgiving Service

So Very Grateful

This year, as we wonder how we will continue our Thanksgiving traditions during the height of a global pandemic, we pause in the midst of it all, to give thanks.  For even though times are hard, we have so much in our lives to be thankful for: our family and friends who are still with … Continue reading So Very Grateful

The 8th UU Principle

  The Social Justice Incubator will collaborate to bring you this service focusing on the 8th U.U. Principle, which will be up for formal adoption by the entire U.U.A. in 2022.  This principle states: “We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to … Continue reading The 8th UU Principle

With These Hands

On this Sunday following a very divisive and consequential election, we will come together in prayer and song. To join, click here. For Order of Service, click here.  For hymns, click here.  We will look back at what just happened, and reflect on where we are going. For no matter what happens next in our … Continue reading With These Hands

Post-Election Vigil

On the day after the election, Wednesday, Nov. 4th at 7:00pm, we will hold a prayer vigil over Zoom. This will be a meditative time to reflect on what just happened on election eve, where we are now, and what our hopes and fears are for the future. We hope you will join us for … Continue reading Post-Election Vigil