Speaker: Rev. Dave Egan

You Are Welcome Here … as Long as You Fit In

Our congregation is on an ongoing journey of shaping our welcoming community through our anti-racism and anti-oppression work. One part of this journey involves the proposed 8th Principle, which reads: “We … covenant to affirm and promote: Journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably … Continue reading You Are Welcome Here … as Long as You Fit In

Commitment Sunday

TO JOIN THE SERVICE, CLICK here. For Order of Service, here.  For hymns, here. On this Sunday we will celebrate the culmination of our annual fund drive. By pledging to our congregation each year, we re-affirm our commitment to one another and to the work of First Parish. Come join us for a joyous online … Continue reading Commitment Sunday

Beginning Again

TO JOIN THE SERVICE, CLICK here. For Order of Service, here.  For hymns, here. The story of Easter has been a source of strength for nearly two thousand years. What in our own lives might need resurrection, and how is resurrection already happening around us? Come explore all that might be beginning again in your … Continue reading Beginning Again

It’s a Spring Thing

TO JOIN THE SERVICE, CLICK here. For Order of Service, here. For hymns, here. The vernal equinox is March 20, which makes it quite official. For Order of Service, here. No guarantees on the weather, of course, but our RE kids are ready to go. They invite you to share this special intergenerational worship service … Continue reading It’s a Spring Thing

Peace is Every Step

TO JOIN THE SERVICE, CLICK here.For Order of Service, here.  For hymns, here.  How do we invite equilibrium, non-attachment, and compassion into our lives or, if we have them, how do we increase their presence and power? Developing compassion for ourselves requires us to see and accept ourselves exactly as we are. Only then can … Continue reading Peace is Every Step

From Ally to Action

TO JOIN THE SERVICE, CLICK here. For Order of Service, click here.  For hymns, here. During this intergenerational service, our children will explore what it means to be an ally to those who have been historically and systematically marginalized. Building off of their conversations from their religious exploration classes, they will reflect on how being an … Continue reading From Ally to Action

Side With Love Sunday

TO JOIN THE SERVICE, CLICK here.  For Order of Service, here  For hymns, here.  What if to “side with love” meant making bold, faith-full choices? What if it were even a little bit scary? This worship service brings together worship leaders and musicians from across the country to offer hopeful, moving, challenging reminders about what … Continue reading Side With Love Sunday

What I Love About First Parish

There are so many reasons why folks join our First Parish community.   During this service, members of the congregation will give personal testimonials about why they love First Parish.  If you ever thought about inviting a friend to church, this would be a great time to start!  

After COVID: Let’s Dream!

Join us for this collaborative worship service including several local ministers, where we will exercise our imaginations and share dreams about what happens next.  How do we imagine the pandemic will affect different parts of our culture? What does church look like after COVID? Justice after COVID?  Love after COVID?  Joining us will be ministers and … Continue reading After COVID: Let’s Dream!

Reflections on Racism

“White supremacy” is a provocative phrase, as it conjures up images of mobs in white hoods. However, actual “white supremacists” aren’t required to uphold white supremacist culture — that is, the set of institutional assumptions and practices, often operating unconsciously, that tend to benefit white people and exclude people of color.  Please join us for … Continue reading Reflections on Racism