This multi-generational worship service for all ages features backpacks! And blessings! For First Parish, this blessing of backpacks might become a new tradition. It centers around not just children, but the congregation as a whole — all of us of all ages — coming together to show our support for each other, especially with the next step of returning to school or starting school, and any other big life adventure of challenge and learning. It is a mindful time when we venture out to something new and/or challenging. There are often mixed emotions of anticipation, joy, and fear. We are called to be awake and to be kind.
You are invited to bring your backpack, book bag, valise, briefcase, duffel bag, diaper bag — whatever might signify a new or renewing adventure for you in the coming year. You are also free just to bring yourself!
Please bring a non-perishable food donation for the Medfield Food Cupboard. Lunchbox or snack items might be nice!