First-time Visitor?

We welcome visitors and guests.  Please join us for a Sunday service to get to know Unitarian Universalism and our congregation.

To make your visit as easy as possible, we have provided answers to some frequently asked questions.  Please email us at if you have any other questions.

What is Unitarian Universalism?

We are a non-creedal faith that focuses on our shared values of love, compassion and justice for all human beings, freedom of belief, and celebration of difference and the interdependence of all life.  For information on Unitarian Universalism, read our seven principles and watch this video.  You might also want to explore our denomination’s website.

What’s our congregation like?

Our congregation consists of people from many different backgrounds and religious orientations. We come together as a faith community in search of shared spiritual meaning and growth.  Several of our families at First Parish are from mixed religious backgrounds. They have chosen our church because we respect and celebrate different religions.

Where is First Parish?

We are right in the center of Medfield, MA. Our address is 26 North Street. For directions, please click here.

When does the service start?

Services begin at 10:00 AM and last about an hour. Services are held from September until mid-June.  We take a break during the summer months.

What should I wear?

Some people like to wear jackets or dresses, others prefer jeans and a sweatshirt. Whatever makes you the most comfortable.

Where do I park?

There is limited parking behind the church, but there’s ample parking along North Street. Our wheelchair-accessible entrance is off the parking lot behind the church.

Is your church fully accessible?

Yes. If you enter through the vestry door, off the parking lot, you can take the elevator at the right up to the sanctuary.

Where do my children go during the service?

We provide professional childcare for the youngest children and Religious Exploration classes for older children and youths. On most Sundays, children start the service with us. After a “Moment For All Ages,” they depart for their religious exploration classes. (See our website for more information about these classes.)

Is there childcare?

Yes, our “Little Lights Nursery” provides a safe and caring environment for infants, toddlers and pre-school children. The nursery is located in the vestry downstairs, and is easily accessible for parents during the worship service. Care is provided from 9:45 to 11:15 AM.

What happens during the service?

Although our services don’t conform to a strict liturgy, there is predictability to their flow. The service begins with a welcome and chalice-lighting; early in the service there is a special time when members, friends and visitors can share brief personal joys and concerns.   Two or three hymns are sung throughout the service.  Later, there are readings, a sermon, and a time for silent or spoken prayer/meditation.

What are the sermons like?

The sermon is usually given by the minister, although once a month a guest minister or member of the congregation prepares and delivers it. The sermon usually focuses on perspectives on challenging life situations, moral questions, and thought-provoking ideas. Because the sermons can vary in content and spiritual meaning, it is good idea to visit the Sunday worship service several times to get a full understanding of our principles and faith.

What happens after the service?

After the service, we meet and mingle for coffee hour in the vestry. You are cordially invited to join us for this social occasion!

Whom can I contact for more information?

Membership Coordinator:
Coordinator of Religious Exploration:
Music Director: