- Our interactive public art installation from Bellforge’s Pride Fest.
- Welcome to First Parish Unitarian Universalist Medfield!
- Holiday Stroll at First Parish!
- We would love to see you on Sunday.
- A memorial installation in front of our meetinghouse that honors the US victims of mass shootings, defined as 4 or more people killed or injured.
When Empires Fall
Using the wise and prophetic words in the Hebrew Testament we will explore reactions, motivations & inspirations for times of great upheaval. What are your reactions to so much significant change in our country & the world? How are we called to respond? Must our differences divide us? Let’s explore together the challenges inherent to … Continue reading When Empires Fall
- Apr 24 - 7:30pm - RE Committee Meeting/Zoom
- Apr 24 - 12:00pm-9:00pm - Eva/Voice Lessons/Sanctuary then Vestry
- Apr 24 - 8:00am-3:30pm - OFI/Vestry
- Apr 23 - 7:30pm - Building & Grounds Committee Meeting/Zoom
- Apr 23 - 8:00am-3:30pm - OFI/Vestry
- Apr 22 - 1:00pm-9:00pm - Eva/Voice Lessons/Sanctuary then Vestry
- Apr 22 - 8:00am-3:30pm - OFI/Vestry
- Apr 21 - 12:30pm-9:00pm - Eva/Voice Lessons/Sanctuary then Vestry
View the full list of upcoming events here
People Say
Ann Cunningham
I've been a member of this UU church since 2011. My connection to Unitarian Universalism, and to this church in particular, has had a deep influence on my spiritual life, on my personal understanding of death as part of life, and the power of prayer. (more…)
Cissy Hull-Allen
I am connected to this First Parish community. This one, right here. In the "crisis" times - the deaths, divorces, illnesses - I am more aware of our First Parish family. The emails and cards of support, offers of meals, rides to the doctor, are so tangible of our values, our care and respect. But, the special part I value most is the daily support I feel. Every day, I feel a safety net below me of interwoven arms of all the people in this community. For 17 years, First Parish has been the constant in my life of changes. (more…)
Sarah Zitoli
This past November, I watched a video online of a TED talk. This TED talk, given by Ash Beckham, was about coming out of the closet. In the opening of the talk, Beckham explains that the experience of coming out of the closet is not limited to the GLBTQ community, but rather, she suggests, that we all have closets, and that “all a closet is, is a hard conversation.” This definitely struck a chord with me. (more…)
Stev Hull-Allen
What did I gain from being part of a UU Church? I had a really hard time organizing this. I mean I knew what to say...just not how to say it. I am what I learned so maybe I’m just too close. So I looked for inspiration.
Tyler would say something about our fathers being our models for God and how we’re all God’s unwanted children.
Donnie is agnostic and would talk to me about the spectrum of human emotion and then ask me what I know about time travel. (more…)